Focus Your Gaze
Like many people living with Parkinson’s disease, my friend and client Fran often struggled with keeping her balance, especially when transitioning from one place or position to another. Standing up after sitting for awhile, transitioning in/out of the car, and stepping over her granddaughter’s toys on the floor gave her a healthy fear of falling, but this was not something she was going to let get in her way…
Find Your Tribe
As with most challenges and goals in our life, we do so much better when we have allies supporting us, and I think this is even more true when you have Parkinson’s disease.
I Hold Hands for Living
When I became a trainer, I wanted to help others – to give them the confidence to ask more of themselves, and to see themselves in a new light. But I did not expect to get so much from them, to feel so honored to be in their lives.
Ditch The Wagon Myth
I hear it time and again – clients lamenting that they’ve “fallen off the wagon” and “need to get back on track.” What if I told you that there is in fact NO wagon, no track to get back on?