pd fit for parkinson’s
“We believe that thriving is greater than simply living. When we exercise, we make ourselves better at the things we love to do, and are then ready for our next BIG adventure.”
There is substantial research to suggest that progressive aerobic exercise may be able to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease, because it can offer neuro-protection, keeping dopamine cells alive longer.
PD-specific exercises can also promote neuro-plasticity, which enables us to relearn movement patterns and regain our ability to move, play, and thrive.
Having trouble doing daily tasks, or your favorite hobbies? We incorporate functional, PD-specific adaptive training called PWR!Moves into our training, which will help make activities of daily living easier and more enjoyable.
We focus on balance and stability, flexibility, fall prevention, cardiovascular training, voice, and cognition.
Who says therapeutic exercise can’t also be fun? Our playful approach to fitness, combined with the camaraderie and connection you’ll get with your hilarious and inspiring peers, will make you feel better inside and out!
Laughter can be a powerful medicine: it strengthens your immune system, boosts your mood, diminishes pain, and can reduce the effects of stress (and stress-induced PD symptoms).

feel better, move better, live better.
personal training
Ideal for individuals who need flexible scheduling and/or want to optimize their training to fit their specific needs. Some of our clients use their training to address symptoms they experience during their “off” cycles (periods when their medication is not effective), so flexible scheduling is key.
Personal training also allows us to focus on your specific needs, and tailor your training to motivate, inspire and energize you.
pd fit classes
Our virtual classes are as joyful as they are effective - we pack a LOT of therapeutic exercise (and fun!) into each 60-min class. And our small group setting ensures you’ll get lots of personalized attention, motivation and connection.
Note: these classes are designed for individuals with Parkinson's, but are also great for anyone interested in better mobility and balance, improved dexterity and flexibility, and less aches and pains.
“You must DO the things you THINK you cannot do.”