let’s get started.
1. dream big
Make a wish list: What do you want to be able to do (or do better)? How do you want to feel? What’s standing in your way right now?
helping you succeed is our jam!
2. Contact Emily
No two bodies are exactly alike, and our workouts will support our individual needs and abilities. Give Emily a call or send her an email to share your list, and she’ll point you in the right direction.
call (562) 243-2221 · email us
3. try it out
The best way to see if RecFit is a good fit for you is to join us! Try a free class or virtual training session (at no obligation to stay), so you can see for yourself what we’re all about.
view the calendar · book a free trial
4. high five!
Give yourself a high five for getting started! For most of us, making that first step is the hardest part. So pat yourself on the back for getting this far, you’re on your way…
(bonus points for victory dancing)
5. sweat, laugh, repeat.
It’s no secret that consistency is the key to reaching your goals, and we know showing up for yourself is not always easy. So our mission is leave you feeling BETTER after every class or training session than when you arrived. After all:
no one ever regrets a fantastic workout.
6. connect
One of the best parts of RecFit is our amazing clients - a wonderfully diverse community of hilarious, hard-working, and inspiring people who love to cheer each other on. Connect with us on Instagram and/or Facebook, and meet your new fitness family!
follow us on instagram · join our fb group
“We believe in the magic of us... we do our best when we work together as a team, cheering each other on.”